BEST RESOLUTION TO TAKE IN 2023 FOR SUCCESS New Year Resolution For Year 2023
The new year is all set to begin and its not the beginning of a new year but also can be a life-changing year of your life.

How this can be the life-changing year? Are you confused in this?

So the answer for this question is very simple as all you need to do is plan or promise yourself for best resolutions which would be quite helpful and beneficial for you.

This is what we are going to discuss in this article, the best resolutions to try the coming year which would be life-changing year.

Before discussing this, first go and checkout our previous article where we talked about the actual reasons and the solutions for why you aren't rich yet.
Now let us talk why these resolutions are important as well as the best trick to use to get better than others.
Before deciding the resolutions a question might surely arise in your mind, that is, why should we actually take a resolution?

What's the importance of taking or plan a resolution for the new year and why only the new year?

Well the thing is people consider new year as a new oppotunity or new beginning (a fresh start). They believe that if they start the new year with good and positive habits, then their whole year would also go this way.

In most of the cases this is actually an effective method as starting new and helpful things from the beginning of the year with full excitement and positivity would surely help you out to follow a good habit.

Even in most cases it won't last till the end of the year but still it lasts till 2-3 months which is enough to get that benefits.

Now the trick I want to share is also very important and the reason why I posted this article too prior from the beginning of the new year is also because of this amazing trick.

See most of the people start their new year resolution from 1st of January. But here you need to start it from today, that is, if today is 19th of December, then you are 12 days ahead of those who would start on January 1.

They would start their good habits or resolutions so late that by that time, you would have even started to get results. This is the successful person's mindset.

Now let us talk about the best resolutions to plan the upcoming year so that it would be life-changing and a turning year of your life.
Give First Priority To Your Health
Health Is Our First Priority The first resolution as well as your first and the foremost priority for the next year should be to give importance to your health.

This one is the most tried resolution and I think most of you people always decides to focus on your health every year but still can't follow or achieve your health goals.

But this year, you will surely follow and achieve your health goals and would continue it for the next couple of years.

Now see in this resolution, you need to focus on two health factors, that is, diet and exercise. If you're below the age of 35-40, then I would recommend you to do 10-15 minutes of exercise every alternate day and if you above this age, then instead of doing exercises, you can go with yoga or simple walking and stretching.

In diet, all you need to do is eat healthy. Isn't this too simple. I think here's nothing new I have told you. But now comes the practical thing which you can actually follow.

You don't need to just eat only healthy food all 7 days a week for the year. It's not compulsory to only eat vegetables and fruits to be healthy.

You just need to eat light foods which doesn't puts bulk on your body to digest and try to eat balanced varied diet including all types of food items (sweet, sour, bitter, liquid).

Even you can follow this diet for 6 days a week and can make the last day as your cheat meal day where you can consume tasty and unhealthy items but still in limit.

Some precautions could be that stop consuming sugar and artificial fragranced food items as well as packaged items as they are literally very bad for your body.

Now the main question would be how can I actually follow this habit of focusing on health. Well for this you just need to understand the importance of being healthy and also the conditions you need to go through if you didn't followed this.

I would be discussing about this in upcoming article in more detail. Till that time you can get started which would easily last for 2-3 weeks. Try this out!
This Year For Nature
Spending Time With Nature The next resolution to be taken for the next year is kind of very important as it also gives us the solution of a big problem. The resolution is to spend time with nature.

See from the past 2 years, your time and daily routine is totally dependent and consumed by the screens. All your work or free time is just spent in these screens. Even you are totally surrounded by these only.

But by taking the new year resolution of spending the least time on these as well as enjoying and interacting with the nature will be very much beneficial for your inner peace or mental peace.

The screens you are surrounded by not only builds a lot of stress and tiredness within you, but also makes you addicted as well as aggressive behaviour within you.

Moreover it also has a negative effect on your eyes, makes you lazy as well as not good for your sleep cycle. It also ruins your productivity and pushes you to procrastinate all day.

But with this new resolution, you would be spending time with nature, hanging out and traveling the beautiful places and landscapes of the world and actually starts understanding the soul purpose of your life.

Moreover you would feel relaxed and calm, become normal with no anger and full of positivity and would get that mental peace within you.

Even you can spend time with your family and friends as in past years you realized the importance of thier bonding but as things are becoming normal again, people aren't able to spend time with their family and friends.

Try to arrange for sometime by excluding unnecessary activities on screens and just devote this time with your family, friends and nature. Believe me you'll enjoy it!
Try New & Execute It Too
Master A Skill & Built Something Out Of It Now the last resolution you should opt for in the next year which is also very important if you want to become rich and successful the next year all over your life.

It is to learn something new and then use that learning to built something new which would help you to earn money and become the result of your hardwork.

Basically due to the rapid influence & growth of AI (Artificial Intelligence), you can learn something in this field, that is valuable skill in the field of AI or simply technology.

You yourself need to find out the skills which are having very high potential and value in the coming future and then start attending and learning their courses or classes.

If you just want to check whether you are interested to learn this skill or not, then surely go for free courses in the beginning.

If you have finalized that you need to master this skill, then just go for the paid courses as they provide you with all the resources and access to other important thing by experienced people in that field.

Now after mastering any particular valuable skill, now its time to built something useful and unique thing out of it which not only earns you a good profit but is also problem solving, easy to access and makes people's life better.

Work hard on it and try to consistently improve it in coming years to establish it as a very big online business or company which would hence become the cause of your success.

As a next year resolution all you need to do is just learn and master a valuable skill and then build something unique and helpful out of it.

Now simply you can't master any skill in just a year, so here I would suggest you to start a side project or business with the knowledge and information you have gained and continue to master the skill with your business running aside.
These were all the important resolutions I think are very important to be tried out the next year. I would be also coming with more article on the new year resolution soon.

Now its not compulsory that you need to follow only these resolutions. You could also add more but they should be helpful and really beneficial for you and shouldn't have any negative affect on you.

So that was all for the article and I hope that you really found this helpful and would implement this in your new year resolution. Thanks for Reading!