If you are above the age of 18 but still haven't started earning money, then this is the most helpful article for you that you should real whole.

Becoming a adult but still not earning money is a shame, not only in the front of people or society but within too.

To overcome this problem and to actually help you to start earning money, this article titled the reason why you aren't rich is here to help you out.

But before moving further, go and checkout our previous article where we talked about the ways you can become rich as well as a good person.
Let us not understand what actually a rich person does and you aren't which creates the difference between you and him.
So you might have seen several rich and wealthy people on either social media or any other video. They own several luxurious cars, massive and huge mansions and can travel where ever they want.

Even you have seen some rich people in real life too, it might be in your neighborhood, any of your family relative or even your friend.

Seeing all these rich people, you too assume to become rich and wealthy like them. You also want that luxurious lifestyle and travel every where easily and with full comfort.

But have you ever thought about why those people are rich and successful but you aren't.

What habits they actually implemented which you didn't. This is what we are discussing in this article, the habits rich and successful people implement which you don't.
You Don't Live Your Own Way
You Don't Live Your Own Way Now the first habit or the mistake which you do on day-today basis but other rich and successful people doesn't is that you don't make your decisions or live your life your own way.

Here I mean that you have a mindset that what others will think about me. Even you don't do something unique or extraordinary because you have a thought that everyone is just watching you only.

Now on the other hand, the rich and the successful people don't care about others as they make their habits and decisions their own way which aren't based on or affected from external factors.

They just don't really care about what others think or say about them because they know that once they are successful at their life, others would just start copying the thing which they mock or criticize at some point of thier life.

You should also start making your habits and decision your own way without think what others might think or say about you.
You Don't Believe In Yourself
Believe In Yourself! Now the next habit or the mistake which you do on day-today basis but other rich and successful people doesn't is that you don't believe in yourself while others do.

When you start working on something important, then you should start will full positivity and confidence that yes after sometime when I would put enough work on it, I would surely complete this out and would make my work, job or business, successful.

But in reality, all you do is in the very beginning only you don't have the feeling of succeeding in your work. As a result, you get a very bad start and soon gradually you won't be too devoted and interested in your work.

So from the very beginning only, start believing that you would be the only one which could complete a work and run a very successful business.

People believe in the one which becomes successful. But before that the successful people believes in themselves.
Just Give A Start
Just Get Started! Now the third habit or the mistake which you do on day-today basis but other rich and successful people doesn't is that you don't even get started to the path.

Most of the people don't become successul because they haven't started something to actually become successful. If you haven't started anything then how can you say that this thing would or wouldn't be successful.

Before even working on your idea or plan, you just declare that I can't actually complete it and would be failed.

Even if you started something, then though you failed, but still you learnt something out of it and even you have that motivation to try something else.

Upon trying various things, there would be surely one in which you will become successful and not only successful but a very top, highly experience respectful person who upon consistent failures haven't ever gave up and keep trying others things.

This is the actual mindset of a successful person even when they are not rich and just doing hardwork.

Just start working on the idea or plan you actually thought in your mind but haven't yet started it.

Even one of the most successful person and world's richest man Jeff Bezos quoted that "I knew that if I failed I wouldn't regret that, but the only thing I might regret is not trying!"
Giving Up In The Way
Never Give Up! Now the last habit or the mistake which you do on day-today basis but other rich and successful people doesn't is that you or most of the people gave up half way their path of success.

Actually if you would observe or research on successul people's history or biography, you would find that they had faced several ups and down in their life even when they weren't successful.

But as they didn't gave up, that's the reason why they are successful today and you actually know their name.

Have you ever heard the name of the person who gave up in his way and still successful and famous?

Even instead of this, he might be regretting his whole life that why did he actually gave up during that time even if he was very near to his succeed.

The people with hard heart actually have the potential to bear all these hard times and they are the real warrior.

If you really want to achieve that heights of popularity and success in your life, then you should be deserving it.

Doing hardwork isn't sufficient but have that patience and soul to actually get the solution of your hard times without being broke up is the actual exam or success of your life.

Success isn't just doing hardwork and then start earning money. It's a very long path which teaches us a lot, the real fight of your life.

If you say that you are the real warrior, then just get into this path of success full of struggles and pain but with a peaceful result!
So these are all the habits which you are doing mistakes in but others rich and successful people aren't.

Here all you need to do is just think of a unique idea which will help you make money, solves a real problem on large scale and doesn't harms the environment.

After this, just start working on your idea and after several struggle, I would be knowing your name because now you are actually famous.

So that was all for this article and I hope you found this helpful. Thanks for Reading!